Tarot Reading


I use the Tarot as a form of counselling. The cards tend to bring up what’s needing to be most addressed at this time (sometimes it is a few things!) They show if there are any blockages or things being ignored in order to  get you back on a track you can be proud of. To accomplish goals and bring more positivity into your life.

I do not predict futures, but instead start a conversation that leads the way to a clearer destination – Sometimes the cards point out that you are right on track:)  Sometimes just a different perspective, or the ability to speak freely about a subject can truly change our days. No smoke screens, no gimmicks, just straight Tarot and talking.

Currently,  I am taking a brief hiatus from reading publicly. I will advertise on my social media when I am back.

I post general readings and other interesting tidbits on my Tarot instagram/Facebook:
Instagram/Facebook: @sixswords.seer

Additional information

  • Studied Tarot for 13+ years
  • Practical advice, clarity and direction using the Tarot to tell a story
  • Highly ethical reader, everything is confidential.
  • Spiritual, not religious, safe space for all.
  • Trauma Informed
  • Cert: CBT Practitioner
  • Cert: Life Coaching
  • Cert: Life Purpose Coaching
  • Cert: Tarot
  • Peer Support
  • Spiritual Counselling, dealing with the unseen as far back as I can remember.
  • Level 1 Chios
  • Tattoo Artist 5 yrs | Graphic Design 15+ yrs