About Me
Red Dahlia
In the beginning of my career as a designer, I was always asked “What makes you unique?” “What sets you apart from all the other artists and designers?”
I’ve been privileged to have had the opportunities to expand my knowledge into a wide variety of industries. Working with and networking with people from all walks of life. Always taking the time to learn what I ‘didn’t know’ and using that to study and implement any new skill I was up against. I’ve never turned down a good opportunity for growth.
From working with financial institutions (marketing 4 years) across Canada, teaching at college level in New Brunswick (2 years), to acting and creating monsters for haunted attractions and running an online store of custom artwork – I have now been tattooing since 2018 and reading Tarot professionally in Riverview. I have 6 self published, high-resolution, professionally printed colouring books – @The.Hidden.Company. Practising living my truth.
Conjure your craft | Art & Intuition
As a digital witch, I create a lot of my work from nothing but an idea and a program. Bringing the unseen into existence, visualizing a thought that lurks within the
liminial space of reality and the veil – the in-between. I try to keep my creative art lingering somewhere on the cusp of darkness and light, pushing the threshold between what some see as grotesque, and others find beautiful.

Graphics/merch: @reddahlia.creative
Tattoos & Illustration: @reddahlia.illustrator
Tarot: @sixswords.seer
Colouring Book:
Insta: @The.hidden.company
FB: @hiddencompany
About Me
Based in Moncton, NB
Tattooing out of Scarlet Ink Studio in Riverview, NB
Reading Tarot at Riverview, NB
– 6 Full high-res, self-published colouring books 2022- The Hidden Company
– Professional Tarot Reader ( 2006)
– 16+ years of experience in graphic design
– Entrepreneur – Red Dahlia – since 2016.
– Tattooing since 2018 – @reddahlia.illustrator
– 16+ in traditional & digital illustration
– 2 years teaching digital paint/Photoshop at college level
– 3 years working with award-winning haunted attraction – Zombie Manor, 15+ volunteers, SFX makeup, marketing/merch design, prop creation and acting – I continue to support Canadian haunts such as Haunted Calgary with dark advertising.
– Displate (metal posters) & Inkbox artist ( temporary tattoos)
– 5 years floral design in a professional setting – 1 year management.
– Published poet, creative writer
– Graphic design & digital media diploma
– 1 Year fine art & classical animation
– Life coaching cert/ Life Purpose Living Cert/ Tarot cert
– Social Media marketing
– CBDC Business course
– Well versed in WordPress and in-browser website dev
– Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat
– Procreate
– Customer service oriented and experienced in HR
– UX/UI and quality assurance
– Life coaching
– Tarot
– CBT Practitioner Cert

Red Dahlia
Everything I create has a meaning and a purpose. Why shouldn’t my brand reflect that and my adaptability?
Having a background in floral design – I chose my favorite eye-catching, intricate flower as a representation for my business. The Dahlia flower is one of the only flowers to have as many as 23 natural colour variations (and thousands of human-altered variations) developed in order to compete with other foliage for pollination due to not having a scent.
Acting as the ‘billboard’ of the flower world, it sports a unique radiant beauty and depth that other flowers can not be compared and yet still elegant and distinguished.
Since the Victorian era, flowers have been given – and still are – to portray and deliver subliminal messages – to represent an idea or a feeling.
The colour red is the colour of life, change, growth and passion – and is one of the highest vibrating colours in the spectrum